Crystal Conversations – a series of online webinars

A new series of online meetings that are going to take place from August to December 2020. These informal meetings are jointly organised by the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC) and the British Association of Crystal Growth (BACG) and are chance to learn something new and share ideas.  We will be focussing on solid form, crystallisation, crystal growth, nucleation and more.

More information about the meetings can be found here:  The first meeting takes place on Thursday 6thAugust at 2pm BST and will cover 3 talks on molecular modelling techniques.  The speakers will alternate between early career researchers and key academics/industry speakers.  Slots are available for talks, so please let us know if you would like to speak. It would be really nice to engage as many people within the community to take part. Please sign up and join in.

The webinars are open to all so please feel free to forward to anyone who may be interested in attending.


Best wishes,

The BACG Committee

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