BACG Sponsorships & Grants

BACG is pleased to consider requests for financial assistance to encourage all of its members to participate actively in conferences, meetings, workshops and other activities within the field of interest of the Association (Item 3 of the BACG constitution).

Reports from the conferences attended will be posted on this website & included in the BACG newsletter.

Travel Grants

Travel Grants

BACG Members are eligible to apply for sponsorship to attend conferences on topics relevant to crystal growth, or to visit other BACG members' laboratories. Sponsorship applications must be made by completing the travel grant application form and sending it via email to BACG at

Please go to the Members' Area on the BACG website to download the application form and find more information on submission guidelines.

For Conference Organisers

For Conference Organisers

We consider requests for financial assistance towards the promotion and organisation of national and international conferences, meetings & workshops on relevant topics.

Please consider the guidelines laid out below if you wish to apply for support.

Sponsorship Guidelines for Organisers of Conferences

Financial support is normally provided in the form of a recoverable float to cover start up costs. Requests for support should be made to the Chairman or Secretary as far in advance of the conference as possible and these will be considered, in confidence, by the committee.

Please consider the following guidelines if you wish to apply for support.

  1. Financial assistance from BACG funds will only be given in support of activities consistent with the aims and objectives of the Association (Item 3 of the BACG constitution).
  2. Requests for support will only be considered if they are accompanied by a projected account showing the likely outcome of the conference.
  3. BACG normally expect to nominate a member of the conference organising committee who will be able to attend the meeting free of charge.
  4. BACG will be acknowledged as sponsors of the conference on all conference literature and advertising.
  5. Financial support is normally provided in the form of a recoverable float to cover start up costs, the amount involved to be agreed by the BACG committee.
  6. The float will be returned when the conference account is closed, with any surplus arising from the meeting shared between conference sponsors in proportion to the amount of money originally invested.
  7. A similar arrangement will apply in the event of a loss being incurred.
  8. BACG require a copy of the final conference account, which will be closed as soon as possible after the conference has taken place.
  9. Any further conditions are at the discretion of the committee.